You’re a particle of a person on a smidge of a planet
Spinning around and around in control and in entropy
Hoping it must mean something, hoping you mean something—
— Jules Hoepting, "4 a.m."
You sent me so many red flags
I could’ve sewn myself a sweater
Instead of always asking for yours.
— Megan Kuhnel, "An Ode To Being The Bitter Ex"
I’d try and I’d try to make things right,
in a world that’s unforgiving that always starts a fight.
— Chloe Kowalyk, "Journalist"

First Day in a Breath - Emilie Pitts

Possum and Fly - Sarah Zweighaft

Constellations - Lilly North

Were You Thinking of Me? - Sophie Wojciechowski

Autumn's Fox God - Genevieve Adams

Enough - Caeley Harsch

Plucked Feathers - Evens Angulo Duvil

Trivial Distractions - Alexander Moore

A Perfect Day for Caiman Hunting - Nicholas Pattilio

Driving Lesson - Ashley Halm

​​I Wouldn't Call This A Love Letter - Megan Kuhnel

Recollection No. 1 - Samuel Schaeffer

Canvas - Baylee Talbot

​Tallow - Rowan Potzler

I'm In Love - Sarah Lopes

​Life is a Cycle - Jordyn Lee

Yearning for Outside - Cayley Cybulska

Invasion and Abroad - Milo Arnone

Sister, Mother - Carly Grimm

Ode to Rothko & Ode to Lemons - Ashley Halm

Waste - Elizabeth Monk

Amnesia - Nicolas Dohre

​Journalist - Chloe Kowalyk

George Floyd
- Shane Keyes

Stockholm's Anxiety - Marisa Stravino

Parallel Roads - Jason Caldwell

Dearly Beloved - Alyssa Weber

Trash Bag Spaceship - Anthony Miller

Him - Cassandra Dolaway

Sweetness and Danger - Katherine Wynn

Un-hiding - Alexa Kartschoke

Pink Flower - Jakob Pachucinski

The Night - Sydney Godzik

Perspectives - Abby Hart

Little Lovers - Arianna Silva

Everything that exists is right here - Nathan Parmerter

Nicole Thorson

Angelo Petrilli

Ash Maloney

Web Content
Five Senses of a Breakup (Video Series) -  Emerson Stein

Nostalgia (Song) - Mickie Wadsworth

It was as if, by not talking about what was really happening, we could pretend that it wasn’t happening at all, like Grandpa was just on some vacation, and it was obvious that he would come home, so there was no point in discussing it; like dementia was a stupid, made-up dream, like we were just playing one long game of make-believe.
— Ashley Halm, "Driving Lesson"
An Autumn Fox God born with white fur was mistaken for the winter Hound. He is never spoken of and my fur is to blame. I am to blame.
— Genevieve Adams, "Autumn's Fox God"
Fly’s whimpering was no more, and Possum stared out into the darkness. He was sure to stay alert, for Fly knew he had to act as the look out for Aunt Julia. Possum’s attention shifted to his soaked boots. At that moment, he wished he hadn’t worn leather.

‘What a poor spot for a gravesite,’ he thought, ‘This is practically a quagmire.’
— Sarah Zweighaft, "Possum and Fly"

2022 Issue


2020 Issue